Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), is the behavior component of Response to Intervention (RtI). PBIS at Indian Trail is a school wide initiative allowing us to be on the same page with regards to discipline and student behavior. We will use a continuum of positive supports for all students in all areas – classroom and non-classroom settings.
- Teach all students the behaviors we expect.
- Provide a safe environment where students achieve academically and socially.
- Increase academic achievement through consistent behavioral expectations.
- Encourage positive behaviors and interactions.
- Decrease problem behaviors.
- Reduce the number of disciplinary referrals.
- Matrix – guideline of behavioral expectations
- Cool Tools – lesson plans to teach behavioral expectations
- PAWS – tickets given to students for positive behavior which may be exchanged for privileges or other reinforcing items
- School Wide Celebrations – every student will participate in the beginning of the year kick off and quarterly celebrations
- Classroom and Office Disciplinary Referral Forms – data collection system used to monitor student behavior